Art and entertainment are two very important aspects of our life. Without them, our lives would be mundane and listless. They uplift us, help us to dream, distract ourselves from our day to day troubles and sometimes even make us more aware of our surroundings.
Movie is the most popular form of entertainment among all performing arts.It is magical, fantastical, movies take you to places where you have never been to, movies make you feel emotional which you haven't felt, movies show you grandeur opulence and beauty.
Whether it is urban young man or a family, the road to the nearest theater is a must travel on weekends.
Shmoti.com guides you to reach the right roads at the right time.
We update you on the latest happening in the field of entertainment in & around your city,which include films playing in your city, backed with updates of other events around the city.
Our Goal is simple, to provide you with reliable & trustworthy information right on your finger tips. (you can view information on your mobile phone, tablets etc).
And our vision is noble, we strive on unparallel creativity backed with passion. We take immense pride in making your search experience user friendly backed by constant innovative changes which makes your experience more delightful.
So What is SHMOTI? SH stands for Show, MO stands for Movie and TI stands for Times, the first two letters of each word, together SHow MOvie TImes for local movie times for each city. We feel getting this information should be a breeze and it should be easily available even on your smartphones. So do use it on your tablets, desktops or smartphones. The short form used is to reduce the typing on your mobiles. We are a small but an innovative startup company, get intouch for more information.
To further help you remember the site you can access the same site with www.ShowMovieTimes.com or with www.Shmoti.com. This site is a product of Elseem Innovations Private Limited.
Elseem Innovations Pvt Ltd
Kalpavruksha, Mahishi Rd,
Malamaddi, Dharwad 580007
To update or get in touch with us for any upcoming events or advertisements of your own please email us at :- admin@shmoti.com any appreciation also is highly welcome.